7. Stream of Consciousness – Part 2

7.1. Some times a technique, a workflow, a subject or a line of projects occupies the creative mind and will drive a number of projects.

7.2. When writing about the “Stream of Consciousness” I started reflecting on its implications and the possibilities for me. In particular I was interested in the concept of the sequence, how to capture it, its meaning and the artistic narrative behind it.

7.3. In addition I have been thinking how to transform this into a well packaged piece of art, a complete finished product. Considering movies and animated gifs was only a natural consequence.

7.4. The following piece does that. It started as a reflection on wholeness and then developed into a series of quick works using a specific brush techniques, each one developing on a specific attributes of the previous drawing and on the subject in mind, like the shape, the shadows, the composition…

Notes in the sketchbook

7.5. I kept the sequence to maintain the truth of the work. The sequence reveals things about the specific creative process taking place in my mind offering insights into its dynamics.

7.6. I then turned that into this animated gif, which is, at all effects, a slice of a Stream of Consciousness.

Stream of Consciousness – 001” by Taerzius
