4.1 Words have a creative power. They can evoke, induce, transform. With words one can alter a flow of events, create opportunities, open doors, nurture and inspire, plant a seed of hope in the listener’s mind.

4.2 Words have also a destructive power. That is the other side of the coin, so to speak. They can offend, belittle, stump. With words one one can destroy, diminish, shrink opportunities and erase positivity, plant. Seed of hate in the listener’s mind.

4.3 The dual power is necessary, as not all we want and wish for is always beneficial. And also growth comes from discipline and sternness. The dual power is like the polarity of nature, the zenith and the nadir, the positive and negative, the Yin and the Yang.

4.4 What matters most is how these words are charged, the intention behind them. The intelligence at the basis of their selection, the feelings and emotions when they are uttered and the purpose.

4.5 When written, words acquire a shape and this is another factor that can contribute to their power. As now we also have shape and colours coming into play.

4.6 These are some of the works from Taerzius on the topic.

Beware dreams come true” by Taerzius
Untitled” by Taerzius
Imagination” by Taerzius
Last chance saloon” by Taerzius
“Symbiosis” by Taerzius
“Consider the Major Issues” by Taerzius
Embedded” by Taerzius
Temptation” by Taerzius
Fabric” by Taerzius
