3. How the bundles for the collection V1.0 were created

3.1 The items of the collection “V1.0 The Fruits of the Tree” are grouped in bundles. The question was: “how can meaningful bundles be created”? Here’s how.

3.2 Gematria is the ancient discipline of identifying associations and connections between concepts based on the numerical values attributed to their names in Hebrew. Concepts with same numerical value are linked. The discovery and understanding of such links will generate insight and knowledge.

3.3 The collection is made of 121 items, 11 works x 11 editions. I wanted to create 11 bundles so that the owner of a bundle owns something special, not only in the content, but also in the way the content of the specific bundle was put together.

3.4 To solve this problem I decided to use the “Intelligence of the Machine” or the computer in this case, and write a small program to help out.

3.5 The first step was to shuffle the elements of the editions in a Number to reflect the belonging to a specific Sephirot. This is where the “seed” of the random function of the machine came to the rescue. Think of a seed as a value that influences the generation of random numbers so that by providing it just before generation you obtain the same random values. It’s used to ensure repeatability.

3.6 The items in Number 1, for example, related to Kether, were shuffled using the Gematria value of Kether (620) as a seed for the random generation.

3.7 The name “seed” resonated with me and I found it very apt for a Tree of Life type of exercise.

3.8 The rest was easy as I was just left with assembling back the shuffled items to form the bundles. This is the code I used:

The table with the bundles

Addendum – the names for the bundles

3.9. There was a final issue, that of the bundles’ names. Only when creating the bundles I realised I needed a name for each one of them to distinguish one from another.

3.10. In spirit with what done so far, I applied Gematria to the sum of the edition numbers within the bundles. And then from there obtained the name. There was the interesting case of two bundles with same associated number (63). Among the possible associations I saw two that may look like polar opposite: destruction and building. That sounded right as was creating a dynamic in the names.

The Names

3.11. Here’s the final names:

All bundles: https://opensea.io/HopediaNft?search[resultModel]=BUNDLES&search[sortBy]=LISTING_DATE

– Bundle 1 – The South (62)
Bundle 2 – The Palace (65)
– Bundle 3 – Day of Good (73)
Bundle 4 – The Night (70)
– Bundle 5 – Destruction (63)
Bundle 6 – The Storm (48)
Bundle 7 – Building (63)
Bundle 8 – Darkness (72)
Bundle 9 – The Ship (66)
Bundle 10 – Prayer (82)
Bundle 11 – Golden Waters (64)
